North Fork and South Fork Peachtree Creek Trunk Sewer Upsizing Project

North Fork MapSouth Fork Map

The North Fork and South Fork Peachtree Creek Trunk Sewer Upsizing Project will address repeat sanitary sewer overflow areas and help meet future sewer demands for the next 50 years.

Notifications Open House Press Release & Social Media

Start Date: Pending

End Date: June 2028

PIOH Letter

DeKalb County Engineering and Construction Management hosted a public information open house (PIOH) for the North Fork and South Fork Peachtree Creek Trunk Sewer Upsizing Project. 

 Residents and business owners impacted by the project had the opportunity to learn about how  the project will impact service delivery, traffic and community schedules. 

PIOH News Release

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NextDoor Post: June 5, 2024