Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Snapfinger Treatment Facility Phase 2


Addressing DeKalb's Water and Sewer Challenges

Water is one of our most essential resources—it powers our homes, businesses, hospitals, and schools. Yet, as our county continues to grow, so does the demand on a system that is aging and in need of major improvements. DeKalb is moving forward to invest in its critical water and wastewater infrastructure via the CIP. This visionary 10-year plan invests in and maintains the water and wastewater infrastructure vital to all County residents. The CIP has been developed using best-practice approaches, state-of-the-art hydraulic modeling, master planning, and project prioritization techniques. Further details on the development, definition, and funding of the CIP are provided at the links below.

In 2020 DWM completed its first-ever Master Plan. To develop the Master Plans, DWM drew heavily on both newly developed hydraulic models and stakeholder engagement. Future service scenarios through 2050 were evaluated the costs and benefits of each alternative.  Learn more about DWM’s Master Plan here To ensure safe, reliable water and wastewater services for all DeKalb residents, CEO Cochran-Johnson is recommending a Capital Improvement Program for the period 2025-2034 (CIP 2024). Learn more about how these projects will protect public health, support economic development, and ensure that DeKalb remains a great place to live and do business here. Based on CEO Thurmond's recommendation, on February 23, 2021, the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners approved a Capital Improvement Program for the Department of Watershed Management (DWM) for the period 2021-2030 (CIP 2021). Learn more about the projects, program definition and delivery in CIP 2021 here.


To learn more about the Department of Watershed Management’s activities and projects, please click on the links below.

Department of Watershed Management currently services over 5,000 miles of water and wastewater pipes in the county system.

Consent Decree DeKalb County's Federal Consent Decree is the implementation of certain sanitary sewer system programs and improvements.

Capacity Assurance Program  Processes and Protocols for Developers and Contractors who wish to work with DeKalb County.