Application Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions Beginning January 8, 2008, the Department of Watershed Management offers a Toilet Retrofit Rebate Program to active DeKalb County water customers whose homes are individually metered. This program will assist customers in replacing their old toilets with high-efficiency toilets to conserve water and save money. Current toilets must have a capacity of 1.6 GPF or more and must be replaced with a new DeKalb County approved EPA listed WaterSense low flow fixture of 1.28 gallons or less or ultra-high-efficiency WaterSense labeled toilets of 1.1 gallons or less. Please Note: A dual flush toilet combination cannot exceed 1.28 GPF. Program Requirements: To qualify for a rebate, each new toilet must be replacing an existing, old, large capacity toilet installed in an individually metered residential dwelling. Toilets must be installed in a DeKalb County property that is an individually metered, residential dwelling as defined by Section 27-31 of the DeKalb County Code. The property/installation address must have an individual, active DeKalb County water account that is billed directly by DeKalb County Water and Sewer (a DeKalb County Water and Sewer account verifies that a home is individually metered). There is a limit of receiving a rebate for up to three (3) toilets maximum, per residential dwelling, for the lifetime of the program. The number of toilets, per residential dwelling, will be verified through the county's property tax records. Rebates will only be granted for the total number of toilets listed on the property tax record, up to three (3) toilets maximum. Note: If you have purchased your property within the last 2-3 months, please provide a copy of your settlement statement, HUD statement, or warranty deed with your application as proof of ownership. The applicant must list the owner of the residential dwelling as rebates will only be issued to the property owner. Original application, receipt(s), and signature must be submitted for the rebate - no exceptions. Photocopies will not be accepted. Old toilets cannot be reused. Participants of the rebate program agree to dispose of their old toilets. This program is subject to on-site verification of the purchase and installation of the product.
Rebate Options There are two rebate options. Rebates are determined by the capacity and the purchase price (before taxes) of the toilet. Option 1: For the purchase of any DeKalb County approved 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf), WaterSense labeled toilet on the EPA's list of eligible toilets, a rebate of up to $50.00 will be given. *Please note that dual flush toilets that are **/1.28 gpf will only receive up to $50.00.
Option 2: For the purchase of any DeKalb County approved 1.1 gpf, WaterSense labeled toilet on the EPA's list of eligible toilets, a rebate of up to $100.00 will be given. *Please note that dual flush toilets that are **/1.6 gpf do not qualify. Only the exact model names and number combinations, found on the EPA's list of eligible toilets, will qualify for the toilet rebate. These toilets have been tested by the Maximum Performance Test in specific combinations for performance and water savings - tank and bowl number cannot be "mixed and matched" from different models. Other models may be available for purchase but WILL NOT qualify for a rebate. Customers will only be allowed a rebate for a maximum of three (3) toilets per property address. Application Instructions |  | Download the application or call (770) 414-2360 to request a copy be mailed to you. Check Your Property Tax Records to see if you are eligible. 
Please check the list of eligible toilets before you make your purchase. Only the model names and numbers listed, that fit into the DeKalb County approval guidelines, will qualify for a rebate. Always look for the WaterSense label before purchasing. |

Mail (cannot be hand delivered or emailed) your original, completed, signed application and original sales receipt(s) to: Department of Watershed Management ATTN: Toilet Retrofit Rebate Program 1580 Roadhaven Drive Stone Mountain, GA 30083 - Application with original signature and original sales receipt(s) must be received BY MAIL in the DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management's Toilet Retrofit Rebate office within sixty (60) days of purchase. Note: All internet purchases should include the order confirmation receipt and proof of delivery (i.e. pick-up confirmation, packing/shipping slip, etc.)

If the application is approved, rebate checks will be mailed and made payable to the property owner. If the application is not approved, it will be returned by mail with the reason(s) for the denial and further instructions, if applicable. **NOTE: Please allow up to ninety (90) days for application processing. Rebate checks will be processed and mailed up to thirty (30) days after the rebate application is approved. If the rebate check is not received after this time frame, contact the Toilet Rebate office via email or by phone. |
DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management reserves the right to modify this program at any time. Contact Us To receive an application, check your rebate status after processing timeline above has passed, or for general questions about the program, please email us at or call the Toilet Rebate Program line at (770) 414-2360 to leave a voicemail message. Program Participation for non DeKalb Residents If you are not a DeKalb County resident, but would like to see if you qualify for a toilet rebate, please visit the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District website for more information. |