




DeKalb Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs joined the ranks of elite park and recreation agencies across the country by earning accreditation through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).This distinguished accomplishment was awarded during the “2020 NRPA Annual Conference: A Virtual Experience.


We are proud to share the many accomplishments of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs. The department works together with nationally recognize consultants, community, business and government leaders, as well as citizens of DeKalb County, to create signature parks and recreational facilities that will enhance the image of DeKalb County and its park system. We understand that parks are not only important to the quality of life, but they are also assets that increase DeKalb County's desirability as a place to live, work and play. Our department is divided into four collaborative divisions:  Administration, Recreation Services, Park Services and Cultural Affairs.  We all work together towards the vision and mission of "Creating and connecting communities through people, parks and programs.


Our Vision

To Create and Connect Communities through People, Parks, and Programs.


sports image

Athletic Programs


Naturalist Programs 

 Tennis and Golf

Golf  and  Tennis


Volunteer in Parks


Porter Sanford III Performing Arts and Rainbow Park Amphitheater 


Pavilion and Field Rentals



 Special Events



Little Creek Horse Farm




Upcoming Programs

Citizen Advisory Board



 The Park Citizen Advisory Board Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. at the Gresham Recreation Center, 3113 Gresham Road, Atlanta, GA 30316.



Spring Break Camp

Click to Register for Summer Camp 


Summer Camp Flyer Final

Click to Register for Summer Camp 



Important Announcement!!!!!


DeKalb County Department of Recreation Parks and Cultural Affairs is issuing this public notice on behalf of the National Park Service and Department of Natural Resource to encourage public review and comment on the proposed project and its probable impacts. The Draft Environmental Assessments are available for review on the DeKalb County website Please click the link below to view public notice and submit comments https://www.dekalbcountyga.gov/parks/public-notice-announcements 

Title VI (2).pdf

Stay Connected

Please email dekalbparks@dekalbcountyga.gov if you have any inquiries or comments regarding the DeKalb County Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs.


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