We are happy that you have chosen to use the South Peachtree Creek Trail as your source of exercise, but please refrain from parking on Hill Park Court to enter the trail off of N. Druid Hills Road. All vehicles should use the parking provided at Mason Mill Park. Park rules
Meet the Ranger
DeKalb County Park Naturalist, Jonah McDonald, is stationed at Mason Mill Park and leads nature programs, coordinates volunteer activities, and serves as point person for safety and maintenance at the park. Before working for the county, Jonah ran outdoors programs for independent schools, led history tours, and wrote a hiking guidebook about Atlanta-area trails.
Stay connected by following Ranger Jonah on social media!
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Naturalist Programs

Junior Ranger Program
If you are interested or have any questions about the DeKalb County Junior Ranger Program? Email: DeKalbnaturalist@dekalbcountyga.gov
Download the Junior Ranger Activity Journal
Junior Ranger Program website
View all iNaturalist observations at Mason Mill Park.
See something on the trails? If Ranger Jonah's not around, use the free iNaturalist app to help figure out what you saw.
Mason Mill Dog Park
If you have a furry friend, please come join us at the Mason Mill Dog Park located N. Jamestown Rd & Blackshear Dr.
Trail Information
Download the Mason Mill Trail map
Trailheads List:
Leafmore neighborhood: PATH trailhead at N. Druid Hills Road and Spring Creek Road
Ira B. Melton Park: 2080 Desmond Drive, directly across from Park Lane
Medlock Park: Western end of the Scott Circle parking lot near the baseball fields
Mason Mill Park: At the corner of McConnell Drive and Mason Mill Rd, near the DeKalb Tennis Center