The PATH is Arabia’s most popular source of recreation. It is very popular with cyclist, hikers and casual walkers. An easy one mile hike will lead you to Arabia Lake which is open to the public for fishing. Arabia's natural, cultural, historical and recreational resources offer amazing opportunities for environmental education. Nature studies in botany, biology, ecology, geology and conservation are provided by a dedicated staff. If you are interested in scheduling a program for students or events, please call (770) 484-3060 for more information!
Meet Your Staff!!
DeKalb County Natural Resource Manager, Robby Astrove, is stationed at Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve and coordinates operations, program's and is the point of contact for the public. Robby serves the county as an environmental educator and specializes in native/edible plants, education, and land management. Join Robby and his staff on hikes, program's, volunteer projects, and special events.
. Staff Directory
Robby Astrove- rlastrove@dekalbcountyga.gov
Doffice Johnson- dojohnson@dekalbcountyga.gov
Rick Kersey - arkersey@dekalbcountyga.gov
Shaundon Moore - sjmoore@dekalbcountyga.gov
Important News
Davidson Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve Master Plan
Get Involved and Leave No Trace
DeKalb County Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs and the Arabia Mountain Heritage Area Alliance have launched a “Leave No Trace” campaign to urge visitors to the Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve to help conserve the nature preserve, located at 3787 Klondike Rd., Stonecrest, GA 30038. All patrons are welcome to take only pictures and to “Leave No Trace” during trips to the nature preserve by treading lightly and staying on the bare granite as they walk.
Arabia Mountain is home to fragile ecosystems and species found almost nowhere else on earth, including a variety of rare and endangered plants. These plants live in the solution pits (small patches of sand, dirt, and muddy water) that dot the seemingly barren rock face. At various times of year, the plants that live in the solution pits bloom, covering the mountain with beautiful life. That includes the vibrant red diamorpha, which explodes into color in the spring, and the yellow daisies that have blanketed the trails this fall. In order to sustain the natural beauty of our ecosystem and wildlife, visitors must adhere to all guidelines of the preserve.
For more information on Leave No Trace" please click the link.
Looking to schedule a group hike or a program? Please use this link to request a guided hike and support for your next adventure at Arabia.
Programs and Activities

If you are interested or have any questions about the DeKalb County Junior Ranger Program? Email: DeKalbnaturalist@dekalbcountyga.gov
Download the Junior Ranger Activity Journal
Junior Ranger Program website
Where Can I Park at Arabia Mountain?
Parking has been crowded at Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve on the weekends. The outdoors has become a welcome respite for people during the pandemic, and we love that people are coming out and enjoying the National Heritage Area. As the two main lots (the AWARE lot at 4158 Klondike Road and the Nature Center lot at 3787 Klondike Road) get full very quickly, here are other places you can park, and see places you might not have visited otherwise.
Also, please note that the Nature Preserve is most crowded on the weekends. We encourage people to come on the weekdays instead in order to avoid crowds.
All trailheads connected by the Arabia Mountain PATH trail system.
Right by the mountain:
1. Vaughters’ Farm Lot (3366 Klondike Road) Just up the road from the Nature Center, Vaughters’ Farm is one of the last dairy farm landscapes remaining in DeKalb County, though it was once the state’s capital of dairy farming.
2. Polebridge Trailhead (6262 Browns Mill Road) This is another trailhead with easy access to the beautiful forests of the Nature Preserve.
3. Rockland Road Overflow Lot (6715 Rockland Road)
Located just north of the Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Center, the Rockland Road overflow has been opened recently to accommodate the increase in visitation. From I-20 , take the Evans Mill Exit and make a right onto Woodrow Rd., keep straight till it dead ends into Klondike Rd., once on Klondike Rd. continue to the roundabout and make the first exit onto Rockland Rd. and at the field there will be an overflow parking sign where the overflow lot is located.
From HWY 212, take a right on Klondike Rd. then keep straight till you get to the roundabout, once at the roundabout make the third exit onto Rockland Rd. and keep straight till you see the field with the overflow lot sign in it, and that is where the overflow parking is located.
A little further off:
4. Lyon Farm Trailhead (4431 Lyons Road; park in the cul-de-sac) The Lyon Farm is the oldest homestead in DeKalb County and a key part of the history of the Flat Rock community.
5. South Rockdale Community Park (3909 East Fairview Road SW) Another connection point to the paved Arabia Mountain PATH trail, the South Rockdale Community Park includes trails that run through forest and along the South River.
Check out some more of our parking areas here. See you on the trails!
Hello my name is Ranger Alex! I live on the Davidson Arabia Mountain Preserve and work for the DeKalb County Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs Department. I am here to encourage you to live happier, healthier lives by using parks and recreational facilities in our area. Please be sure to stay connected to learn more about our naturalist program's, recreation, tips, trails, birding and much more!