The Centers for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM) facilities are a premier program of the nonprofit, Live Thrive. With two permanent drop-off facilities that aim to improve our environmental health by encouraging reuse and diverting thousands of pounds of household hazardous waste and other hard-to-recycle items from Metro-Atlanta landfills and water systems. Both CHaRM locations also accept sorted single-stream items for those who do not have access. All operations expenses for the CHaRM facilities are paid from grants, sponsorships, donations and recycling fees.
Now with two convenient locations in Atlanta and Decatur, open by appointment only:
CHaRM Atlanta: Tuesdays, Thursdays 9am-2pm and Saturdays 8am-2pm
CHaRM DeKalb: Wednesdays 9am-2pm and Saturdays 8am-2pm (Starting Jan 18)
For more information please visit: https://livethrive.org/charm/dekalb/