Dr. G. Leah Davis is the Chief of Staff and Advisor to CEO Lorraine Cochran-Johnson, DeKalb County, Georgia. In this role, Leah is responsible for executing the vision, policies, and priorities of the CEO. She also assists with departmental oversight, the execution of special projects, policy and legislation, constituent services, and oversees staff. She represents the CEO at internal and external meetings and events. Leah is the liaison to the Board of Commissioners, County departments, governmental agencies, constituents, and citizen groups.
Delivered Jan. 29, 2020
Name | Representing | |
Steve Henson | DeKalb County CEO |
Previous meetings:
Monthly Meeting: December 14th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., Maloof Auditorium
Local Government in DeKalb County:
Review of the Impact of Potential Municipal Expansion on County and Municipal Service Provision
An experienced solid waste management professional with expertise in the areas of environmental assessment, enhancement and compliance, and all aspects of solid waste processing, disposal and landfill operations, Ms. Hutchinson has successfully championed and co-facilitated solid waste management initiatives throughout her tenure within the industry. With a career spanning over 20 years, Ms.
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