Monthly Spill Monitoring Reports

Post Spill Monitoring Reports


Post major spill (typically spills that are greater than ten thousand (10,000) gallons), emergency actions in the form of post spill monitoring are performed.  The receiving water of the State is monitored above and below the spill intermittently for year. The frequency is daily for 7 days, then weekly for 3 weeks, then for four weeks 3 and 12 months later.  This data is summarized, with a map, and reported monthly to the Environmental Protection Division.  If a new spill or issues is detected (normal background in water ways is of a fecal level of 10,000 #/100mL. Any reading above that level (except in a downstream sample below a spill in the first 7 days) initiates resampling (rain events can significantly elevate the counts due to stormwater pollution). If resampling confirms the higher number, source tracking is initiated. Source tracking continues until the readings go below the trigger level of 10,000 #/100 mL, the source if found (and addressed) or the county border is reached (and the upstream responsible entity is notified to continue tracking).



June 2017

May 2017

April 2017

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017