Capacity Management Operations and Maintenance Systems (CMOMS) Projects

Capacity Management Operations and Maintenance Systems (CMOMS) Projects
  • Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)

    CCTV provides positive and reliable information to what, where, how bad, and how much it takes to correct, maintain, and prevent problems in a sewer line. CCTV is used to inspect conditions and determine locations of problem areas such as pipe or joint separation, ruptures, leaks, obstructions, etc. Also, CCTV identifies damage to sewers caused by excavation and construction on nearby utilities, paving, and building construction. CCTV aids in the search for unrecorded connections that may reveal illegal taps, such as industrial, storm water, or surface drainage. It helps to locate inflow and infiltration (I/I) sources, as well as buried and lost manholes.

  • Smoke Testing

    Smoke Testing identifies sources of entry to the collection system of surface water, also called surface inflow. This includes any direct water entering the manhole from the lid to the cone. Rain or storm water, street or surface wash water, and in some cases, irrigation water would be good examples of inflow. Smoke Testing can provide positive proof that buildings or residences are connected a wastewater collection system. Smoke Testing can also locate certain types of illegal connections to a wastewater collection system. It also aids in locating lost manholes and locating broken sewers. Seventy-two hours prior to any Smoke Testing being done, there is a written notice that is handed out to each house or business in the area, notifying them of the date and time of the procedure and that there is no reason to be alarmed.

  • Pipe Bursting

    The purpose of Pipe Bursting is to facilitate smoother collection system operation and maintenance. Due to excessive residential and industrial development in DeKalb County, the Department of Watershed Management has to upgrade the pipes already in the system to larger sizes to improve flow capacity. Pipe Bursting is a preferred solution for the installation of new pipes because it requires minimal excavation, which reduces disruption to surrounding businesses and residents. In the pipe bursting process, a new polyethylene pipe is pulled through an old pipeline of equal or smaller size. The old pipeline is shattered as the new pipe is pulled through, with the pieces displaced into the surrounding soil.

  • Relining

    Relining is a rehabilitation method used to eliminate infiltration in the sewer mains with excessive problems. Relining repairs the structures with lost integrity and problems. In addition, it will clear any obstruction in the line that may cause surcharges and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO). A relining procedure is when a tube is inserted into the damaged pipe; water pressure turns the tube inside out and propels it into the damaged pipe. Hot water is circulated, causing the thermosetting resin to cure and form a new pipe within the existing pipe. Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) is used to visually inspect the pipe before and after installation.

  • Easement Clearing

    Easement Clearing is the clearing of vegetation on public utilities easement areas and facilities sites. This clearance allows county crews and other authorized contractors to access inaccessible public utilities or manholes.