Environmental Outreach

Becoming environmental stewards is an important part of protecting and conserving our water resources. DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management (DWM) encourages this by providing volunteer opportunities for citizens through our Environmental Outreach program.

environmental_outreach.jpgAdopt-A-Stream is a program that allows volunteers to learn more about the stream, lakes, and wetlands around them. Adopt-A-Stream begins by attending one of several workshops. Most new volunteers begin by attending an Introduction to Adopt-A-Stream workshop where participants learn about program goals, water quality challenges, watersheds, and non-point source pollution. After initial training, many volunteers attend additional workshops on how to examine their stream by performing chemical and physical monitoring. Adopt-A-Stream also offers workshops that include macroinvertebrate monitoring, bacteria sampling, and visual observations. The level of involvement is up to the volunteer.

Another volunteer opportunity is Rivers Alive. This program assists volunteers so that they can remove trash and debris from their local waterway. By becoming a Rivers Alive volunteer, DWM can provide trash bags, waste hauling, and event coordination.

For more information on our environmental outreach programs, please contact

Michael O'Shield 
Phone: (770) 724-1456
Email: msoshield@dekalbcountyga.gov