Indoor Water Conservation Tips

Indoor Water Conservation Tips

Note: water restrictions take precedent. These water conservation tips should be implemented within current water restriction limitations.

Water conservation techniques obtained were from the American Water Works Association and Georgia Department of Natural Resources.


1. How can I save water in the bathroom?
  • A bathroom sink runs at approximately two gallons per minute. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face and hands.

  • Each toilet flush uses approximately 1.6 to 7.5 gallons of water. Do not flush the toilet unnecessarily and consider not flushing after each use.

  • Reduce the amount of water used by your toilet by placing a one-gallon plastic jug in the tank or install a "dam" to partition off a portion of the tank. This can save over 1,000 gallons of water per person
    per year.

  • Take a quick shower rather than a bath.

  • Install a water efficient showerhead.

  • Install aerators on kitchen and bathroom faucets to reduce indoor water

2. How can I save water in the kitchen and other places?

  • A kitchen sink runs at approximately 2.5 gallons per minute. Keep a water bottle in the refrigerator for a source of cold water.

  • Use the dishwasher rather than washing dishes in the sink. The dishwasher uses approximately 14-17 gallons per cycle so make sure each load is full.

  • Reduce the amount of pre-rinsing before loading the dishwasher.

  • If you have to wash dishes by hand, rinse them in a sink partially filled with clean water rather than rinsing them under running water.

  • Thaw frozen food overnight in the refrigerator, not under running water.

  • Wash vegetables in a sink or a bowl filled with water. Reuse the water for indoor plants or other uses.

  • Place food scraps in the garbage rather than using the garbage disposal.

  • Washing machines use approximately 45 gallons per full load. Adjust the washer to the appropriate load size for each use.

  • Insulate hot water pipes and your water heater to reduce the amount of time necessary for the hot water to reach the tap.

3. How do I check for leaks?

  • To check for leaks in your water pipes, turn off all faucets and water-using appliances and make sure no one uses water while your testing. Read your water meter, wait about 30 minutes and read the meter again. If the dial moved, you have a water leak.

  • Check toilets for leaks by using food coloring. Place a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank. If dye appears in the bowl after about 15 minutes, the toilet has a leak. Toilet leaks can usually be repaired by replacing the flapper.

  • Dripping or leaking faucets can usually be repaired by replacing the rubber O-ring or washer inside the valve.