Payment Information




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Pay By Phone
(404) 371-6294
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Walk-In Lobby
774 Jordan Lane
Suite 200
Decatur, GA 30033
Lobby Hours - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
(Please Note: There is a external drop box for night depository.)

How do I dispute my bill after I have contacted Customer Service at (404) 378-4475?

 Click HERE.


DeKalb County Watershed COVID-19 Disconnection Moratorium


Alternative Walk-In Locations
DeKalb water/sewer billing payments are accepted at a variety of neighborhood locations. For a map and complete list of locations please click here.


Additional information about water conservation, checking for leaks, and reducing costs can be found below:
Summer Usage Campaign
Meter Information & Checking For Leaks 
For PSA Information Click Here


Payment & Disconnection Information

Please be advised, you must make your payment in full or payment arrangements within:

  • 20 days from statement issuance date to avoid a disconnection notice.
  • 10 days from disconnection notice date to avoid disconnection.

Mail Your Payment:

DeKalb County FInance
PO BOX 71224
CHARLOTTE, NC 28272-1224
Questions About Your Bill?
Please call (404) 378-4475.