Watershed Management

24 Hour Emergencies
(770) 270-6243 | dekalbwaterops@dekalbcountyga.gov

Cobb Fowler North Trunk Sewer Project

Craigie Avenue Partial Road Closure Begins Aug. 9

2024 Water Quality Report (CCR)

Cobb Fowler South Trunk Sewer Upsizing Project

Shoal Creek Trunk Sewer Improvement Project

The DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management (DWM) was established in 1942. The department currently services over 5,000 miles of water and wastewater pipes in the county system.  Major facilities operated and maintained by the department include the Scott Candler Treatment Plant, Pole Bridge Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the John A. Walker Memorial Pumping Station.

DWM 2019 CIP Accomplishments

   Pay Over the Phone
(404) 371-6294
DWM Service ContactsBilling Inquiries
(404) 378-4475