Public Participation

The public has the opportunity to attend the Board of Commissioners' regular meetings. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Public hearings, where members of the public are invited to speak directly to the Board, are held during the regular Board of Commissioners meetings. Members of the public can also attend meetings of the five standing committees within the commission.

Date: 2nd & 4th Tuesday 
Time 9:00AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 178 Sams Street, Decatur, Georgia 30030


Press releases and current events are posted on DeKalb County's website DeKalb News. All regular Board meetings, held on every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, are broadcast live on Channel 23 and live broadcasting of Committee hearings can be viewed on DCTV.  The meetings are also re-broadcast on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:00 pm, Wednesday at 9:00 am, and Saturday and Sunday at 10:00 am.

Board of Commissioners Monthly Meeting Schedule 

2025 Calendar Meeting Dates.pdf

The purpose of public comment is to allow the public to voice county-related requests, concerns or opinions during the Commission meeting. Speakers will only have the opportunity for one public comment per meeting.


Public comments may be made in person or submitted by sending an email no longer than one page to which must be received between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Only those emails received during the allotted time may be read aloud. Public comment emails received outside of the allotted time will be included in the public comment record for the next meeting after receipt of those emails. The body of your email must include your first and last name, followed by your address. By submitting an email for public comment at any time, you agree to have your name, address and email entered into the record/minutes. 

In Person:

Each in-person speaker must complete a speaker card and present it to the clerk before the beginning of the public comment portion of the meeting.
Cards must be turned in to the clerk from the time the general meeting is convened (generally 9 A.M.) and by the beginning of the public comment portion generally following presentations on the agenda. The clerk will accept cards on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the public comment portion of the meeting begins, speaker cards will no longer be accepted.

Prior to the clerk’s call for public comment, in-person speakers who are residents of DeKalb County shall be allowed to speak before residents of other counties are allowed to speak. Speakers will be allowed to speak for three minutes each and public comment shall not exceed 30 minutes in length. When the buzzer sounds to indicate that time has run out, the speaker will be expected to immediately cease speaking and to yield the podium. Those in-person attendees who submitted speaker cards but did not speak because of the time allotment will be allowed to speak first at the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting without regard to residence. If time remains in the proscribed public comment portion of said meeting, email comments will be read into the record by the clerk or designee.

Any remaining email public comments received between 9:00 am and 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting not read into the record will be submitted into the minutes by the clerk or designee and shall be forwarded to each commissioner by email. Speakers should always talk directly into the microphone and begin by stating their name, full address and the name of any organization they represent. Abusive, profane or derogatory language, holding up signs, clapping, yelling, standing or laying in the aisles to show support for or opposition to a speaker will not be permitted, but a show of hands or quietly standing in place will be permitted to show support for or opposition to a speaker's position.