How do I obtain Minutes from a Board Meeting?
Click Here BOC Agenda.
Is there a cost to obtain the minutes?
There is no cost to obtain minutes if obtained electronically, however if you come in the office, the cost is $.25 per page.
Where are the Code of Ordinances located?
Access the DeKalb County Website, go to Information from A-Z, then go to the C's and click on Code of Ordinance.
What is the purpose for the Vault?
To safeguard all records dating back to the late 1800's.
How do I access a BOC Meeting?
Access the DeKalb County Website, under the CEO, click on Video on Demand, then you will see all BOC meetings listed in Board date order.
How do I obtain a tally of votes on a specific item?
Access the DeKalb County Website, look under the CEO, click on Video on Demand, then you will see all BOC meetings listed in Board date order. Click the meeting date, then click on the agenda item in question and the votes will be displayed on the screen.
Is the Clerk's Office responsible for Open Records Requests?
The Clerk's Office is only responsible for those items pertaining to the Board of Commissioners.
How do I retrieve a copy of a DeKalb County contract?
Contact the Clerk's Office at 404.371.2162 or email us at