Frequently Asked Questions - Seminole Road Landfill |
How can I obtain a landfill decal?
Landfill decals can be obtained by completing a landfill decal application; providing the necessary documentation listed on the application; and following the instructions provided. Once processed and approved, the appropriate decal will be issued to the applicant. Click here for the landfill decal application.
Does the county have a landfill for public use?
Yes. The Seminole Road Landfill is located at 4203 Clevemont Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294. Please call (404) 687-4020 for more information.
What items can residents dispose at the landfill, and at what cost?
Click here for more information on landfill operations.
Frequently Asked Questions - Residential Recycling Program |
How can residents subscribe to the recycling program?
Click here for more information.
Is glass being recycled?
While the County no longer accepts glass in curbside single-stream recycling, residents can recycle glass using county-operated glass recycling drop-off locations. Click here for more information.
What time should garbage, yard trimmings and recyclables be placed curbside for collection?
All garbage, yard trimmings and recyclables must be placed curbside by 7 a.m. on scheduled collection days.
Frequently Asked Questions - Curbside Collection Procedures |
Does the Sanitation Division collect furniture and appliances at the curb?
Yes. This service is available free to all residential curbside customers. Refrigerator and freezer doors must be secured or removed, and placed on the right-of-way away from mailboxes, sidewalks, utilities, roadways or drainage ditches. All food must be removed prior to placing refrigerators at the curb for collection. Once the furniture or appliance is placed curbside, residents are required to submit a bulky item collection request. Click here for more information on options for submitting requests.
How should paint be prepared for proper disposal?
Paint can be collected on residents’ scheduled collection day if the paint has solidified and will not pour out of the can. Please ensure that paint cans are double-bagged and placed in garbage roll carts to ensure collection. Paint cans left curbside beside garbage roll carts will not be collected. Residents can use kitty litter or another drying agent to solidify liquid paint. Another method is to remove the paint can’s lid and stir the paint daily until it hardens in the can. Full cans of paint must be dry to the bottom, and not simply crusted over. Cans with liquid paint placed in collection trucks can spill and leak onto roads. Paint spills on roads are difficult to remove.
What is the proper size for tree parts?
Tree trunks must be cut small enough in size that they can be hand loaded to the collection vehicle. Each tree part must not exceed 25 lbs. in weight. Limbs and branches must not exceed four feet in length, and must be stacked neatly at the curb. Twigs, leaves, pine straw and other small vegetation items must be placed in paper biodegradable bags or containers up to 40 gallons that are clean and have not been exposed to loose household refuse.
How many yard trimmings bags or containers are included in my weekly curbside collection?
Up to 5 approved yard trimmings containers or biodegradable bags are included in residents’ weekly curbside collection. More than 6 containers or bags will require a special collection fee.
Do you collect building materials and is there a charge?
Items can be collected curbside for a special collection fee. Click here for more information.
Items can also be disposed of at the Seminole Road Landfill for a fee. Click here for more information.
Does the Sanitation Division collect tires curbside from residents?
NO. However, residents may take a maximum of 10 passenger tires per visit to the Seminole Road Landfill, 4203 Clevemont Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294. A fee of $10 per tire is required. Please call (404) 687-4020 for more information.
How should dead animals be handled?
Dead animals on county rights of way and roads can be collected by the Sanitation Division. Residents can transport dead domestic animals to the Animal Crematory or Seminole Road Landfill. Click here for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions - Sanitation Service Fees |
How is new sanitation service established?
Residents requesting new sanitation service are required to complete a new service application. Proof of ownership or a lease agreement will be requested. A prorated annual sanitation service fee will be required prior to activating collection service. Click here for more information on how to establish new sanitation service.
How are residential collection services billed and paid?
Residents' annual sanitation assessment fees are billed on annual property tax statements through the Tax Commissioner's office, and listed as a separate line item. Please visit the Tax Commissioner's website for more information on payment options.
What services are included in the annual sanitation assessment fee?
Once-a-week household garbage, recyclable materials and yard trimmings collection, and bulky item collections.
Frequently Asked Questions - Beautification Unit |
Who handles mowing on county rights of way, and litter on county roads and rights of way?
Property owners are responsible for maintaining the right of way joining their property. The Beautification Unit - Keep DeKalb Beautiful periodically mows overgrown county rights of way; trims bushes; increases sight vision on rights of way and county-owned vacant lots; and collects litter on roads and rights of way. For more information, visit the Beautification Unit - Keep DeKalb Beautiful website by clicking here.