Parks and Recreation


The focus of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs Department repairs is to create a sustainable parks system, which keeps maintenance and operational costs within available resources, meets community demand through availability of recreational opportunities, modernizes equipment to make facilities more accessible and useable, and maintains the aesthetics of public places.

Parks and Recreation Repairs
Athletic Fields.          11,650,000
Renovate athletic and recreation facilities including but not limited to roofs, shelters, and pavilions.            8,400,000
Parks, playgrounds, and recreational areas.            6,900,000
Pools and other aquatics facilities.            3,950,000
Resurfacing trails and paved areas.            3,000,000
Golf Courses.            1,000,000
Tennis Court Resurfacing.            2,150,000
Stream Bank Restoration / Drainage and Stormwater Improvements.               200,000
Total          37,250,000