DeKalb Service Status

In order to protect county workers from the spread of COVID-19, all DeKalb County buildings and facilities will be closed to the public starting Monday, March 16. While physical access to county facilities will be restricted to the general public, county services will still be available. The county has made it possible for its customers to engage with departments they would normally have face-to-face encounters with via email, standard mail delivery, and any other electronic platform available to the county.


DeKalb County drinking water is still safe to consume. According to the CDC, the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water, and conventional water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection, like those in our drinking water systems, should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19. There is no boil water advisory.

Water Billing

Payment Phone: 1-866-227-8924
Customer Service Phone: 404-378-4475

Water/Sewer Emergency

Phone: 770-270-6243 (24/7)

Public Safety 

The DeKalb Police Department Screening Desks are closed to the public but will provider service via telephone for non-emergencies. Please only dial 911 for an emergency. Non-emergency numbers are below:

Precincts / SectionsContact Numbers
North-Central Precinct(770) 724-7600
East Precinct(770) 482-0300
South Precinct(404) 286-7900
Tucker Precinct(678) 937-5301
General Investigations(770) 724-7841
Open Records(770) 724-7474
Police Records(770) 724-7740
Property & Evidence(404) 294-2528
Internal Affairs(770) 724-7910
General Information(404) 294-2000
Uniform Division Chief(770) 724-7439
Investigations Division Chief(770) 724-7589
Special Services Division Chief(770) 724-7592

Senior Centers/Services

The county’s 317 Meals on Wheels clients will continue to be served as normal.

The North DeKalb, South DeKalb, DeKalb-Atlanta and East DeKalb (Bruce Street) senior centers will be open to distribute meals to their 559 customers only. Seniors will be able to pick up their meals between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Senior customers of these centers who do not have transportation should call 770-322-2950 from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Lou Walker and Mason Mill multipurpose senior centers will be closed until further notice.

Parks and Recreation Centers

All group gatherings, rentals, program and activities are suspended.

Parks are open but playgrounds and fitness equipment is closed. 

Recreation centers are closed.

Planning and Licensing 

Visit the department's website for e-services and contact information.


All yard waste, recycling and garbage collection is proceeding as normal. Please sanitize the outside of your roll carts and ensure all household garbage is bagged and not loose in the collection bin.

Phone: 404-294-2900

Code Enforcement

Submit a complaint online
Submit a complaint via E-mail:
Submit a complaint via Fax:  404-534-1270 or 404-534-1269
Call in a complaint: 404-687-3700

Per emergency judicial order, all DeKalb County “ordinance” calendars scheduled for 30 days from March 13, 2020 will be rescheduled to later dates. Pursuant to the emergency judicial order, all cases on the Magistrate Court’s Code Enforcement Calendars scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, Tuesday, March 24, Tuesday, March 31, and Tuesday, April 7 will be rescheduled for later dates.

No officer, inspector, defendant, or witness is required to appear in DeKalb Magistrate Court for a “Code Enforcement” Calendar or Specially Set Bench Trial while the judicial emergency order is in effect.  We will have more guidance from the Court on how calendars will proceed as the Court learns more information over the course of the next few weeks.

DeKalb County Board of Health

DeKalb Board of Health Shifting to Essential Services

The Board of Health has established a COVID-19 call center to provide information related to risks, prevention, symptoms, isolation, community resources and testing.

Currently, only English-speaking operators are available. Additional languages will be available soon. The call center is open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and can be reached by calling (404) 294-3700, Option 1. To access all other clinics, Board of Health programs and services, please select Option 2.


Magistrate Court

Probate Court

State Court

Clerk of Superior Court

Tax Commissioner

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DeKalb County School District

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