Activities for Social Distancing

DeKalb Library has a wealth of online resources available for members. Not a library member? Apply online now to receive instant access.

Some of the collections in the eLibrary:

Overdrive: Popular eBooks and downloadable audio books

RBdigital: classic eBooks and language learning audiobooks

RBditigal Magazines: full color digital magazines

BookFlix: video storybooks for children

New York Times: online edition

PressReader: same day access to newspapers and magazines online tutorials for professional development

HelpNow from Brainfuse: online tutoring and study assistance


Stretch your legs and enjoy some fresh air all around DeKalb. Parks are still open; view a map here. There are miles of multipurpose trails throughout Metro Atlanta that are great for a bike ride, run or walk. View a map of all of them here.

If you visit a park, or any other public location, follow CDC guidance on how to protect yourself.