All youth ages 0-5Intervention Area:
Services:The Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program, which previously awarded 300,000 in 2011, 2012 and 2013 to DeKalb County to expand evidenced-based home visitation, this award will serve as the year four funds for this program. DeKalb County will utilize two evidence-based home visiting models in the Clarkston and Scottdale Central DeKalb County communities. Parents as Teachers and Early Head Start-Home Based Option, which is a blended EHS/PAT program. |
All youth ages 11-13Intervention Area:
Services:DeKalb County’s R.I.S.E. UP Leadership Development Program is designed to serve middle-school-aged males’ students of color residing in DeKalb County. This culturally enriched leadership and literacy program aims to educate, empower, and equip these students to develop coping and resilient skills that will ultimately lead to overall success. The R.I.S.E. Up program consists of a curriculum component and a mentoring component to provide these students with a community of support and network to prepare them to be leaders.
All youth ages 15-18Intervention Area:
Services:The Sights N’ Sounds Program is designed to provide high school students that have interest in pursuing a career in the visual and media arts. This program exposes youth to the film, art, music production, radio, photography and recording industries. The Sights N’ Sounds program is to provide training to youth between the ages of 14-18 that assist them in achieving their educational and vocational goals. While working with peers, professional individuals, and community partners, participants will have the opportunity to receive assistance including supportive services, production workshop, music and media training, photography workshops, and so much more! |
All youth ages 15-18Intervention Area:
Services:The Office of Youth Service’s University Bridges Program aims to equip DeKalb County high school students to post-secondary exposure. Though a series of forums, workshops, and hands-on experience, our goal is to promote and stimulate an appreciation for colleges and universities. Having youth gain an opportunity of hands-on experience, may increase their motivation to go to a post-secondary institution. |