SPLOST Transportation


Road Status 

Please note, resurfacing is weather-dependent. Crews may be able to begin work on a road but must wait for warmer and dryer conditions to complete all asphalt topping. 

DeKalb County’s one-cent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) has resurfaced over 125 miles of road, to date, in unincorporated areas throughout the county. To stay up to date on the latest road resurfacing project schedule click Here to view the Resurfacing Map.

The SPLOST Transportation project list is focused on creating a complete transportation system for DeKalb County which includes smooth streets, safety improvements for cyclists, pedestrians, school routes, bridges, and intersections as well as enhancements to sidewalk and walking trail connections. The county will use SPLOST funds to leverage other funding sources available from the state and federal governments, other local governments, non-profit organizations, and community improvement districts. SPLOST Transportation projects will support economic development in the county and improve high priority corridors.

Transportation Purposes
Road Resurfacing.        151,250,000
Federal and State Transportation Project Matching Funds for Transportation Purposes.          25,550,000
Pedestrian Improvements.          14,450,000
Transportation Enhancements which include, but are not limited to, intersection upgrades, widening of narrow lanes, and improvements to roadway alignment, safety lighting, and sight distance.               9,000,000
Multi-Use Trails.            7,000,000
Bridge Repairs and Improvements            7,000,000
Sidewalks to Schools, Transit, and Other Locations.            4,000,000
Traffic Signal Improvements.            2,350,000
Community Improvement District Matching Funds for Transportation Purposes.            1,500,000
Corridor Beautification.            1,250,000
Public Transportation Shelters               150,000
Transportation Project Management            9,701,074
Commission District Transportation Projects.            7,056,673
Total        240,257,747