Final Public Notice --DeKalb Property Acquisition Project
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These are sustained measures that are taken to reduce or eliminate long term risks to life and property from future disasters. FEMA is very supportive of all measures that will ensure increased understanding and proactive action that will reduce losses from natural hazards in communities. Click here for additional information.
Currently, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers three Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants programs to assist communities in mitigating the effects of natural hazards: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program, and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) which replaced the former Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM). State, tribal and local government agencies may apply through the States to receive benefit from these programs.
1. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP): Supports cost-effective post-disaster planning and projects following a Presidential major disaster declaration. Click here for more information.
2. Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA): supports projects and planning that reduces or eliminates long term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the NFIP. For additional information click here.
3. Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (formerly Pre-Disaster Mitigation): support communities through capability-and capacity-building as they undertake various hazard mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate risks from disasters and natural hazards. Click here for additional information.
Retrofitting is described as the measures or changes that are made to an existing building or other structure such that they are protected from flooding or other hazards such as fire, wind, earthquake etc.
Before embarking on any retrofit of your home, discuss available retrofit options with your insurance agent, design professional as well as DeKalb County’s local development and/or floodplain management official who would explain in details code requirements of the county for the proposed retrofit.
Permanent Retrofitting Methods
a. Elevation - Raising of the property such that the lowest floor or the lowest horizontal
member is at or above the regulated flood level.
b. Relocation – Moving the property to higher ground to reduce its exposure to flooding.
c. Demolition – Tearing down of the damaged property to rebuild a compliant and resilient
home or building it elsewhere.
d. Wet Floodproofing – This method allows water to enter the home during flooding while
making portions of the home resistant to flood damage.
e. Dry Floodproofing- Sealing the home and preventing floodwaters from entering it.
f. Barrier Systems – Construction of floodwall or levee around your home to restrain
For additional resources on homeowner's guide to retrofitting, click here.
Home Buyout Program
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One of the primary goals of FEMA's mitigation assistance programs is to reduce or totally eliminate vulnerabilities to future flood damage, particularly to structures that are insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). To achieve this goal, FEMA may provide funding to communities for the relocation (buyout) of flood-prone structures. For this type of project, the community purchases existing flood-prone real property from their owners on a voluntary basis. In return, the flood-prone structures are removed through demolition or relocated (physically moved) to an area outside of the flood hazard areas identified on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).
Once the relocations are complete, the community agrees to maintain the purchased land in perpetuity as open space. The amount of Federal Funds provided to purchase homes under these programs is 75% of the Fair Market Value (FMV) of the property. FEMA requires the local government to commit to a 25% Cost Share.
If you have questions or would like to participate in the Home Buyout Program, contact Roads and Drainage Floodplain Management Office
Address - Floodplain Management Office
DeKalb County Roads and Drainage
729B Camp Road
Decatur, GA 30032
Telephone - 404-297-4518
Email -