National American Radio Relay League Field Day at Pleasantdale Park in DeKalb County on June 22-23

Dekalb County

DeKalb County Commissioner Robert Patrick announces the upcoming American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day, scheduled for June 22-23 at Pleasantdale Park, 3686 Pleasantdale Road, Atlanta, 30340. 

The public is invited to observe and learn more about ham radio operations at no charge beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 22, until 2:00 p.m. Sunday, June 23.

The event will be hosted by the Alford Memorial Radio Club (AMRC) and will highlight the emergency communication skills of over 35,000 Ham Radio operators nationwide. 

"I'm thrilled to bring this prestigious event to our district," remarked Commissioner Patrick. "June marks the start of hurricane season, underscoring amateur radio's critical role in emergency preparedness. This demonstration will showcase how these dedicated operators establish communication networks independent of traditional communications infrastructure."

Participating radio clubs will operate under simulated emergency conditions, utilizing portable equipment and temporary antennas powered by emergency generators. Beyond operational exercises, the event offers educational opportunities for the public to witness amateur radio's capabilities firsthand.

"We encourage everyone to visit Pleasantdale Park and explore the advanced capabilities of modern amateur radio," Commissioner Patrick continued. "It's an excellent chance for residents to learn about obtaining their FCC radio license and to experience live demonstrations of radio communications."

Steve Garrison, N4TTY, president of AMRC, emphasized, "Amateur radio has proven its reliability during crises when other systems falter. It’s not just a hobby; it's a crucial service that saves lives."

The ARRL Field Day is a premier event showcasing the adaptability and resilience of radio communications. 

For more details about the event and amateur radio, visit and 

Local information and participation opportunities can be obtained from Steve Vogel, W4PSV, Club PIO, at 404-293-9920 or email

Learn more about the Alford Memorial Radio Club at

For those interested in volunteering during emergency situations in DeKalb County, consider joining:

These groups provide vital support during emergencies.