Commissioner Larry Johnson Sponsors DeKalb County Workforce Housing Ordinance

Dekalb County

Commissioner Larry Johnson sponsored DeKalb County’s workforce housing ordinance, which was unanimously approved by the Board of Commissioners and will be effective in December 2023.

Commissioner Johnson led the charge for several years for the workforce housing ordinance to help mitigate the challenges of the missing middle.  The missing middle are those individuals who make too much to be eligible for subsidized housing, but who don’t make enough to afford the new construction that is happening in the county.

The Board of Commissioners recognizes that housing is an issue of paramount concern that affects the health, welfare and safety of DeKalb residents, and the economic viability and growth of DeKalb communities.

“Access to safe and stable housing is fundamental to creating healthy, economically vibrant communities where families can thrive,” said John O’Callaghan, president and CEO of Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. “The workforce housing ordinance approved by the DeKalb County Commission is an important tool in addressing the region’s critical housing shortage and expanding housing opportunity near DeKalb job and activity centers.”

The housing made available by this ordinance will be purchased or available for lease by the private, public, and nonprofit sector of DeKalb County’s workforce who are employed in DeKalb County and earn between 60 percent and 120 percent of the county’s area median household annual income, including, but not limited to, healthcare workers, teachers, law enforcement officers, fire and rescue workers, other civil service workers, and persons employed in the retail and hospitality industry.

"This ordinance is the most consequential housing ordinance in the last 20 years”, said Commissioner Johnson. “This will help with our affordable housing crisis. DeKalb County is a leader, and we believe in working collaboratively with the public and private sector to bring the most meaningful solutions to our constituents”.

For more information, contact Commissioner Larry Johnson’s office at 404-371-2425 or visit