CV360 Login


Welcome to CV360!

CLICK HERE to visit the training hub before accessing the system 

If you DO NOT have a County network account, your username is your 6-digit DeKalb Employee ID on your human resource record (Example: 691234). If you have a County network account, you should use the CV360 link to login and supply your county email account and password.

If you have a County network account, you should contact the helpdesk to reset your password. If you do not have a County network account, you should use the forgot password link to reset your password.

Your DeKalb Employee ID is a 6-digit number that can be found on your employee badge. Your employee ID can often lead with a zero (Example: 091234). If you cannot locate your employee ID, contact your Department Payroll / HR Coordinator to provide this information to you.
Click here for login instructions if you DO NOT have a County Network Account 
How to bookmark CV360