The DeKalb County Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs will participate virtually in the Atlanta Science Festival on March 13-27, 2021. DeKalb Park Ranger’s will offer a virtual ranger roundtable and two self-guided programs.
The Atlanta Festival is dedicated to bringing people together through the wonder of science and participants will experience over 80 virtual, self-guided and outdoor events to enjoy. DeKalb Park Rangers from the Mason Mill Park and the Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve will conduct a virtual roundtable to discuss opportunities for COVID-safe recreation at our local parks and the DeKalb Junior Ranger Program held on Thursday, March 18, from 4 to 5 p.m.
DeKalb Parks Rangers invite patrons to enjoy a self-guided Orienteering Scavenger Hunt at the Mason Mill Park to help participants discover ruins from the 1930s, fairy houses, gnome homes, decorated Christmas trees, interesting graffiti and much more. The community also is encouraged to participate in the scavenger hunt activity located in the DeKalb Junior Ranger activity journal.
To register or discover more information, click on the following links:
- Virtual Round table: https://2021.atlantasciencefestival.org/schedule/85.
- DeKalb Junior Ranger Program: https://www.dekalbcountyga.gov/parks/junior-ranger
- Orienteering Scavenger Hunt: https://2021.atlantasciencefestival.org/schedule/4
To learn more information, contact Jonah McDonald, Park Naturalist, at 404-491-3670 or dekalbnaturalist@dekalbcountyga.gov.