Construction continues on water main project
Beginning Jan. 11 to Jan. 16, contractors working on behalf of DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management will conduct water main work on the Scott Boulevard Water Main Replacement Project Phase III. Construction activities associated with this work will require a temporary interruption of water service on Brown Place.
The temporary interruption will occur for up to two hours per home between 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Residents should expect the interruption to occur approximately upon crews nearing the home between the provided date range. Our construction crews will work diligently to minimize the length of impact to residents.
Garney, working on behalf of DeKalb County, is the authorized contractor for the Scott Boulevard Phase III Water Main Replacement Project. All workers will be wearing proper identification and driving marked vehicles.
For more information, call the DWM Project Information Line at 1-800-986-1108 or email projectinfo@dekalbcountyga.gov with questions.