- DeKalb Emergency Management is monitoring the situation and preparing to activate the Emergency Operations Center.
- The current track has Irma travelling north along the western peninsula of south Florida and continuing north to impact Georgia, including the metro Atlanta area. Currently, we are looking at our impacts being gusty tropical storm force winds sustained at 40 mph and gusting to 65 mph. There is also the possibility of a few tornadoes and localized flooding. These impacts are currently forecast to begin Monday morning. Monday evening and overnight is when the peak of the winds are currently forecast. Tuesday morning the system will clear out fairly quick.
- Primary impacts will be downed trees and power lines. This can cause long duration power outages, structural damage to houses from fallen trees, and the potential for damage from unsecured items being blown around.
- Final preparations should take place today (Sunday). The arrival of tropical storm force winds is anticipated Monday morning.
- You should finish preparing your home and business for impacts from the wind.
- Know places to seek safe shelter in your home. Make note of trees that may cause damage if they fall.
- Bring in or secure outdoor furniture, trash cans and other objects that may be blown around.
- Trim branches that may cause damage.
- Have a place to bring your pets inside.
- Do not tape windows, this wastes time and has been shown through research to have no benefit.
- You should prepare for loss of power for several days.
- This includes having water for each member of your family, including pets and kids.
- Non-perishable food that can be eaten without having to microwave or use electricity to prepare. Do not use grills or other open flame inside.
- Battery powered lighting and extra batteries. Do not use candles.
- Keep cell phones charged. Have a way to charge your cell phone, either by battery or using a car charger.
- Ensure you have cash as ATM’s, debit and credit card machines may be out of service during a power outage.
- Keep generators outside and away from windows, doors and other vents. Do not attach the generator to your house or business, unless a generator switch has been installed by an electrician for this purpose.
- Please do not call 911 to report power outages, unless it is life threatening. Call Georgia Power at 1-888-891-0938.
- Citizens and stakeholders should sign up for DeKalb County CodeRED. This will ensure you receive any emergency information and severe weather warnings by phone call, text, or email.
- You can sign up at the county website, dekalbcountyga.gov
- It is an address based system and you can set up multiple addresses.
- You information will remain protected. We do not use this information for any other purpose.
- The DeKalb County non-emergency number is 404-294-2911. Save 911 for life threatening calls.
- There are currently no shelters open in DeKalb County.
- We have made preparations to open shelters, if needed.
- If shelters are opened, we will publish this information on social media, the county website and through local media.
- A list of shelters open state-wide can be found on the Georgia Emergency Management Agency website.
- There is a lot of traffic from evacuation areas in Florida and Georgia. Be patient.
- For the latest information and traffic conditions, visit 511ga.org
- If there is price gouging, do not call local police or 911. Please call the Georgia Consumer Protection Unit, 1-800-869-1123.