September is Library Card Sign-Up Month.
There is no better time to get a new library card than the beginning of a new school year. With a new or existing card, DeKalb County Public Library (DCPL) can help ensure students are successful in and out of the classroom. HelpNow from Brainfuse offers online tutoring on various subjects for kids and adults.
GALILEO is collection of databases that provide educational videos, journals and more. Students also have access to the following:
Magazines (US Weekly, Newsweek, Vanity Fair)
- Newspapers (Atlanta Journal Constitution, The New York Times)
- eBooks
- Audiobooks
- Google Chromebook checkout
- Foreign language classes
DCPL also has resources to enjoy during fall break. Movies, music, TV shows and more are available for download through hoopla, a digital collection that can be accessed from your smart device. All of these resources are free with a library card.
For more details or to sign up for a library card, contact your local branch.