DECATUR, Ga. – In anticipation of inclement weather due to Hurricane Irma, the DeKalb County Sanitation Division announces the suspension of sanitation collection service for residential and commercial customers on Monday, Sept. 11. Information on collection schedules for the remainder of the week will be provided on
Monday, Sept. 11.
The Sanitation Division’s administrative office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 11, and Tuesday, Sept. 12, reopening during normal business hours on Wednesday, Sept. 13.
The Seminole Road Landfill and North, Central and East Transfer Stations also will be closed on Monday, Sept. 11. Information on reopening the landfill and transfer stations will be provided on Monday, Sept. 11.
The Sanitation Division urges residents to stay home and off the roads due to anticipated high winds and dangerous road conditions.
For updates, follow the Sanitation Division on Twitter @DKalbSanitation, or visit www.dekalbsanitation.com.