The DeKalb County Board of Ethics will conduct a board meeting on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 6 p.m.
The meeting will be held via Zoom at https://dekalbcountyga.zoom.us/j/88137432677.
Join by phone at 602-333-0032 or 888-270-9936 and use conference code 171493.
Agenda (Revised 03/17/21)
- Adoption of Agenda
- Administrative Items
- Approval of Minutes February 11, 2021
- Discussion of Role of Alternate Board Members
- Discussion of Ethics Administrator Position
- Discussion of Draft Amended Board of Ethics Rules
- Ethics Cases
- Recommendations for Dismissal
1. Joel Finegold v. Zachary Williams [Case No. 2019-1]
2. George E. Williams v DeKalb Police Dept. [Case No. 2018-19]
3. Navado Jones v. L.M. Taylor [Case No. 2019-6]
4. Navado Jones v. R.C. Crenshaw [Case No. 2019-9]
5. Timothy Williams v. Rushing Law Firm [Case No. 2018-10]
6. Linette Bethea v. Nicole Marchand Golden [Case No. 2019-2]
7. Mia Anthony v. Karla Simpson [Case No. 2019-4]
8. Annalee Craigmile v. Glenda Higgins [Case No. 2019-7]
9. Thomas Hambrick v. Judge Gregory Adams [Case No. 2018-12]
B. Scheduling Probable Cause Hearings
1. Rhea Johnson v. Vaughn Irons [Case No. 2015- ]
2. Stacey Kalberman v. Marcus Kellum [Case No. 2018-1]
3. Kenneth Taylor v. Gregory Adams [Case No. 2018-4]
- Public Comment
- Comments/Questions from Board Members
- Adjournment