DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections (VRE) has resumed the processing of absentee ballots and will immediately post updated, unofficial election results on www.DeKalbVotes.com as they are available.
These results also will be uploaded to the Georgia Secretary of State's website at sos.ga.gov.
As of 2:58 a.m. Nov. 4, DeKalb VRE has tabulated 79,643 absentee ballots.
The staff at DeKalb VRE is working diligently to verify, process and tabulate approximately 48,000 remaining absentee ballots after successfully tabulating 242,929 in-person advance and Election Day votes.
Additionally, State law requires that the election office assemble a designated review panel to adjudicate any flagged absentee ballots, which may impact processing.
DeKalb VRE anticipates that all remaining absentee ballots will be processed today and the team will immediately transition to certifying this historic election.
To view the latest unofficial election results for DeKalb County, click the banner at the top of the page at www.dekalbcountyga.gov.