DeKalb County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw has allocated $135,000 of District 4 SPLOST transportation projects funds and another $200,000 will be allocated from the county’s Category 1D SPLOST funds to complete the design phase of the Bermuda Road at Stewart Mill Road roundabout project.
“The community raised concerns with me prior to the construction of the 640,000-square-foot Amazon fulfilment facility, located at South Gwinnett near the DeKalb County line on West Park Place Road,” said Commissioner Bradshaw. “I am pleased that our ongoing discussions about improving traffic flow have resulted in progress toward a roundabout to help reduce congestion in the area.”
Commissioner Bradshaw has held several community meetings to hear from residences and the DeKalb County Transportation Division on traffic-calming solutions for this high-density residential neighborhood.
“A roundabout will improve operations and safety at the unsignalized Bermuda Road at Stewart Mill Road intersection,” said David Pelton, DeKalb County deputy public works director over transportation.
The design phase, once completed, will provide details on construction plans and costs as well as traffic mitigation during the roundabout construction. Updates on the roundabout project will be posted on Commissioner Bradshaw’s newsletter and social media.
“This is fantastic news,” said Katherine Holmes English Manor Estates HOA president. “My subdivision (English Manor Estates) greatly appreciates the work, effort and time Commissioner Bradshaw has given to help ease the traffic issues in our area. He has truly shown us that he cares about the quality of life in our community.”
Sign up for updates Robin Flieg at rlflieg@dekalbcountyga.gov.