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Public Works

Transit Master Plan

Update Sept. 10, 2019: Click to view the final report.

DeKalb County, in partnership with DeKalb Municipal Association, has engaged the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) to produce a Transit Master Plan (TMP) to provide a comprehensive vision for transit in DeKalb. The Transit Master Plan will serve as phase I of the DeKalb Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update that will be completed in 2019.

Stormwater Utility Purpose

Stormwater Utility Purpose

The purpose of the DeKalb County Stormwater Utility is to generate funds to address the County’s backlog of stormwater projects, provide adequate maintenance to avoid future backlogs, secure adequate program staffing and fund capital projects required to address chronic flooding and water quality problems and to ensure compliance with NPDES permit requirements.  More specifically, revenue generated from stormwater fees will support:

Stormwater Utility Purpose

Stormwater Utility Purpose

The purpose of the DeKalb County Stormwater Utility is to generate funds to address the County’s backlog of stormwater projects, provide adequate maintenance to avoid future backlogs, secure adequate program staffing and fund capital projects required to address chronic flooding and water quality problems and to ensure compliance with NPDES permit requirements.  More specifically, revenue generated from stormwater fees will support:

Stormwater Utility Background Information

Stormwater Utility Background Information

DeKalb County’s funding needs are 2 to 3 times what has historically been allocated for the limited set of stormwater management activities it currently delivers.  In December 2001, DeKalb County completed an evaluation of options to fund stormwater program improvements.  A stormwater utility user fee system was identified as the most appropriate source of new revenue for the following reasons:

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