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Master Plan Documents
This year performances are headlined by:
Team Aeroshell:
Dekalb-Peachtree Airport is happy to announce that the Good Neighbor Day Air Show and Open House is returning in 2024. The date for this year air show is Saturday May 11, 2024. Planes, food, and lots of entertainment will be back at PDK for this years air show. Come all, old and young for some fun in the sun at PDK.
If you have any questions please call the Airport Administration Office at 770-936-5440
Welcome to Atlanta!
PDK Airfield LED Project
Using a Runway as a Taxiway!
-- a word from PDK's Airport Director, Lee Remmel
AIM Chapter 4 (ATC Clearances/Separations), Section 3 (Airport Operations), paragraph 4-3-18 (Taxiing) states "a clearance must be obtained prior to going on a runway, taking off, or landing during the hours an Air Traffic Control Tower is in operation".
Excerpts from "Close Encounters" by Jay Hopkins, Flying magazine, Mar, 2001
"Even if the increase (in reported runway incursions) is due to better reporting and record keeping, that does not alter the fact that we face a serious problem, and all the current attention has not significantly reduced the number of incursions and near-collisions."
Runway Incursion Hazard Area - 4
When landing to the south on Runway 20L, pilots are sometimes directed by ATC to sidestep to the parallel runway, Runway 20R. During this procedure, pilots risk the chance of confusing Taxiway Alpha with Runway 20R, because Runway 20R threshold is about 2,000 feet beyond Runway 20L's pavement edge. Taxiway Alpha is the same length as 20L and is constructed of concrete similar in color to Runway 20L, but contrasting in color to the asphalt of Runway 20R.
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